Lawson Commercial partners Chris & Julia have been long term supporters of the Friends of Sussex Hospices and were delighted to attend their Summer Cabaret at Framfield Grange last Saturday, together with their guests Suni and Bharat Chotai. Bharat is a director of the Kamsons Pharmacy chain who work closely with hospices throughout Sussex.

This event is the Friends major fund raising event for 2019. This year the format was a little different to previous years with picnics being consumed during the interval rather than prior to the entertainment. The performance itself started with some very attractive can-can dancers, the Les Ooh La Las.

This was followed by two talented young musicians from Eastbourne College, Elo Quitmann & Max Walker who performed a wide variety of songs.

The headline act of the evening was the well known singers Blake who gave a highly entertaining set with a wide variety of styles accompanied by pianist Dominic Ferris. They ended up with the whole audience on their feet singing Jerusalem! The whole evening was very ably compared by Tom Duncanson, somewhat surprisingly a Baptist Minister from Heathfield.

We had an enjoyable picnic with our guests, and there was a fantastic silent auction and a raffle to help the fund raising. All in all hopefully a significant sum was raised for this very worthwhile charity and congratulations to Kathy Gore and her Team for once again running a fantastic, brilliantly organised event and not forgetting the sea cadets who transported picnics with their wheelbarrows.

Photos courtesy of fantastic Crowborough photographer Roger Bloxham